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Selected recent faculty research publications.

Abrahams, A., Barkhi, R., Coupey, E., Ragsdale, C., Wallace, L. (2014) “Converting browsers into recurring customers: An analysis of the determinants of sponsored search success for monthly subscription services,” Information Technology and Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 177-197.

Agarwal, A., Colak, S., Deane, J., and Rakes, T. (2014) “The Task Scheduling Problem: A Neurogenetic Approach,” Journal of Business & Economics Research, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 327 – 334.

King, M., Abrahams, A., Ragsdale, C. (2014) “Ensemble Methods for Advanced Skier Days Prediction,” Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 41, No. 4, Part 1, pp. 1176-1188.

Melnyk, S., C.W. Zobel, S. Griffis, and J. MacDonald (2014) “Making Sense of Transient Responses in Simulation Studies: An Approach for Interpreting Transient Response Time Series Data,” International Journal of Production Research, 52(3), 617-632.

Rakes, T.R., Deane, J.K., Rees, L.P., and Fetter, G. (2014) A Decision Support System for Post-Disaster Interim Housing, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 66, pp. 160-169.

Seref, O., P. Xanthopoulos, T. Razzaghi (2014) “Weighted relaxed support vector machines,” Annals of Operations Research, in print (available online).

Seref, O., W. A. Chaovalitwongse, J. P. Brooks (2014) “Relaxing support vectors for classification,” Annals of Operations Research, 216 (1): 229 – 255.

Seref, O., Y.-J. Fan, E. Borenstein, W. A. Chaovalitwongse (2014) “Information-theoretic feature selection with discrete k-median clustering,” Annals of Operations Research, in print (available online).

Seref, O., Y.-J. Fan, W. A. Chaovalitwongse (2014) “Mathematical programming formulations and algorithms for discrete k-median clustering with time series data”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26 (1): 160 – 172.

Wang, H.J. Wang, J. Li, W. Fan, and A.S. Abrahams (2014) “Understanding Knowledge Sharing Processes in Online Q&A Communities,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 5(4).

Wang, X. Liu, J. Wang, M. Zhang, and W. Fan (2015) “Examining Micro-Level Knowledge Sharing Discussions in Online Communities,” Information Systems Frontiers.

Xiao, M., Khansa, L., Deng, Y., Kim, S. S. (2014) Impact of Prior Reviews on the Subsequent Review Process in Reputation Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems, 30 (3), 279 – 310.

Zobel, C.W. (2014) “Quantitatively Representing Non-linear Disaster Recovery,” Decision Sciences, 45(6), 1053-1082.

Zobel, C.W. and Khansa, L. (2014) Characterizing Multi-Event Disaster Resilience. Computers & Operations Research – Special Issue on MCDM in Emergency Management, 42, 83 – 94.

Abrahams AS, Fan W, Wang GA, Zhang Z, Jiao J (2015).  An Integrated Text Analytic Framework for Product Defect Discovery.  Production & Operations Management.  24(6), 975-990, June.

Badinelli, R. (2015) “Editorial: Defining and measuring value”, Service Science, 7:3, pp. i-vi.

Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel (2015) “Economic Impact of Production Bottlenecks Caused by Disasters Impacting Interdependent Industry Sectors,” International Journal of Production Economics, 168, 71-80.

Shen, W., Y. Hu, and J. Ulmer (2015) Competing for Attention: An Empirical Study of Online Reviewers’ Strategic Behavior, MIS Quarterly, 39(3), pp. 683-696.

Dana M. Johnson and Roberta S. Russell (2015) “SEM of Service Quality to Predict Overall Patient Satisfaction in Medical Clinics: A Case Study,” Quality Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 18-36.

Khansa, L., Xiao, M., Liginlal, D., Kim, S. S. (2015) Understanding Members’ Active Participation in Online Question-and-Answer Communities: A Theory and Empirical Analysis. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32 (2), 162 – 203.

King, M., Abrahams, A., Ragsdale, C. (2015) Ensemble Learning Methods for Pay-Per-Click Campaign Management, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 4818-4829.

Razzaghi, T., P. Xanthopoulos, O. Seref (2015) “Constraint relaxation, cost-sensitive learning and bagging for imbalanced classification problems with outliers,” Optimization Letters, in print (available online).

Rees, L.P., Rakes, T.R., and Deane, J.K. (2015) “Using Analytics to Challenge Conventional Baseball Wisdom,” Journal of Service Science, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 11 – 20.

Roberta S. Russell, Dana M. Johnson and Sheneeta W. White (2015) “Patient Perceptions of Quality: Analyzing Patient Satisfaction Surveys,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. 1-26.

Zhou, L. Lei, J. Wang, W. Fan, G. Wang (2015) Social Media Adoption and Corporate Disclosure, Journal of Information Systems, 29(2), pp. 23-50.

Badinelli, R. (2016)   Modeling Service Systems, Business Expert Press, New York.

Chacko, J., Rees, L.P., Zobel, C., Rakes, T.R., Russell, R.S., and Ragsdale, C.T. (2016) “Decision Support for Long-Range, Community-Based Planning to Mitigate Against and Recover from Potential Multiple Disasters,” Decision Support Systems, Vol. 87, pp. 13-25.

Dana M. Johnson, Roberta S. Russell, and Sheneeta W. White (2016), “Perceptions of Care Quality and the Effect on Patient Satisfaction,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 1202-1229.

Janis, J.E., Khansa, L., and Khansa, I. (2016) Surgeon Reimbursements in Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery: Effect of the Affordable Care Act in Ohio. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 137 (2), 613 – 618.

Khansa, I., Khansa, L., and Pearson, G.D. (2016) Strategies for Postoperative Seroma Prevention: A Systematic Review. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 138 (1), 240 – 252.

Law DS; Abrahams AS, and Gruss R* (2016). Automated defect discovery for dishwasher appliances from online consumer reviews.  Expert Systems with Applications. Forthcoming.  5-year ISI Impact Factor (2015): 2.879.  In 2016, ESWA is ranked #1 among Artificial Intelligence journals by Google Scholar.

MacKenzie, C.A. and C.W. Zobel (2016) Allocating resources to enhance resilience, with application to Superstorm Sandy and an electric utility, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 36(4), 847-862.

Seref, MMH, Carrillo, J & Yenipazarli, A.  (2016) Multi-Generation Pricing and Timing Decisions in New Product Development. International Journal of Production Research, 54:7, 1919-1937.

Seref, O., J. P. Brooks, B. Huang, S. S. Fong (2016) “Enumeration and Cartesian product decomposition of alternate optimal fluxes in cellular metabolism,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, forthcoming.

Winkler M, Abrahams AS, Gruss R*, and Ehsani J (2016). Toy Safety Surveillance from Online Reviews. Decision Support Systems. Forthcoming.  5-year ISI Impact Factor (2015): 3.271.

Zobel, C.W., N. Altay, and M. Haselkorn (eds.) (2016) Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 235. Springer.

Adams DZ, Gruss R, & Abrahams AS (2017). Automated discovery of safety & efficacy concerns for joint & muscle pain treatments from online reviews. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 100, April, 108-120, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.01.005.

Barker, K., Lambert, J.H., Zobel, C.W., Tapia, A.H., Ramirez-Marquez, J.E., Albert, L., Nicholson, C.D., & Caragea, C. (2017). Defining resilience analytics for interdependent cyber-physical-social networks. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(2), 59–67.

Burns, A. J., Roberts, T. L., Posey, C., & Lowry, P. B. (2017). Examining the influence of organizational insiders’ psychological capital on information security threat and coping appraisals. Computers in Human Behavior, 68(March), 190-209. doi:

Casselman, J., Onopa, N., & Khansa, L. (2017). Wearable healthcare: Lessons from the past and a peek into the future. Telematics and Informatics, 34(7), 1011-1023.

Cui, X., Zhang, N., & Lowry, P. B. (2017). The agent bidding habit and use model (ABHUM) and its validation in the Taobao online auction context. Information & Management, 54(3), 281–289. doi:

Farhoomand, A., Lowry, P. B., & Ziolek, F. (2017). Facebook: Facing off against Tencent (Case # HK1103-PDF-ENG, Harvard Business Publishing; cross-listed as Case #17/585C, Asia Case Research Centre). Retrieved from

Ho, S. M., Lowry, P. B., Warkentin, M., Yang, Y., & Hollister, J. M. (2017). Gender deception in asynchronous online communication: A path analysis. Information Processing & Management, 53(1), 21-41. doi:

Hong, H., Cao, M., & Wang, G. A. (2017). The effects of network externalities and herding on user satisfaction with mobile social apps. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 18(1), 18–21.

Hong, H., Xu, D., Wang, G. A., & Fan, W. (2017). An empirical study on the impact of online word-of-mouth sources on retail sales. Information Discovery and Delivery, 45(1).

Hong, H., Xu, D., Wang, G. A., & Fan, W. (2017). Understanding the determinants of online review helpfulness: A meta-analytic investigation. Decision Support Systems, 102, 1–11.

James, T. L., Deane, J. K., & Wallace, L. (2019). An application of goal content theory to examine how desired exercise outcomes impact fitness technology feature set selection. Information Systems Journal, 29(5), 1010-1039.

James, T. L., Lowry, P. B., Wallace, L., & Warkentin, M. (2017). The effect of belongingness on obsessive-compulsive disorder in the use of online social networks. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(2), 560–596. doi:

Khansa, L., Kuem, J., Siponen, M., & Kim, S. S. (2017). To cyberloaf or not to cyberloaf: The impact of the announcement of formal organizational controls. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(1), 141-176.

Kirk KC, & Abrahams AS (2017). Evaluating Public Charity Websites: Stage Model versus Automated Service. Nonprofit Management & Leadership. 27(4), Summer, 475-491.

LaLone, N., Tapia, A., Zobel, C., Caraega, C., Neppalli, V. K., & Halse, S. (2017). Embracing human noise as resilience indicator: twitter as power grid correlate. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(4), 169–178.

Law DS, Abrahams AS, & Gruss R (2017). Automated defect discovery for dishwasher appliances from online consumer reviews. Expert Systems with Applications. 67, January, 84-94.

Li, Y., Zobel, C. W., & Russell, R. S. (2017). Value of supply disruption information and information accuracy. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(3), 191–201.

Lowry, P. B., Chatterjee, S., & Moody, G. D. (2017, January 4–7). Using the control balance theory to explain social media deviance. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-50), Big Island, HI.

Lowry, P. B., Dinev, T., & Willison, R. (2017). Why security and privacy research lies at the centre of the information systems (IS) artefact: Proposing a bold research agenda. European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), vol. 26(6) pp. 546–563, 26(6), 546-563. doi :

Lowry, P. B., Moody, G. D., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Using IT design to prevent cyberbullying. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(3), 863-901. doi:

Lowry, P. B., Zhang, J., & Wu, T. (2017). Nature or nurture? A meta-analysis of the factors that maximize the prediction of digital piracy by using social cognitive theory as a framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 68(March), 104–120. doi:

Ma, Y., Xia, L., Shen, W., Zhou, M., & Fan, W. (2017). A surrogate-based generic classifier for Chinese TV series reviews. Information Discovery and Delivery, 45(2), 66–74.

Mair, P., Treiblmaier, H., & Lowry, P. B. (2017). Using multistage competing risks approaches to model web page transitions. Internet Research, 27(3), 650-669. doi:

McWhorter, J., Brown, L., & Khansa, L. (2017). A wearable health monitoring system for posttraumatic stress disorder. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 22, 44-50.

Moody, G. D., Lowry, P. B., & Galletta, D. (2017). It’s complicated: Explaining the relationship between trust, distrust, and ambivalence in online transaction relationships using polynomial regression analysis and response surface analysis. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(4), 379-413. doi:

Parks, R., Xu, H., Chu, C.-H., & Lowry, P. B. (2017). Examining the intended and unintended consequences of organisational privacy safeguards enactment in healthcare. European Journal of Information Systems, 26(1), 37-65. doi:

Rusch, T., Lowry, P. B., Mair, P., & Treiblmaier, H. (2017). Breaking free from the limitations of classical test theory: Developing and measuring information systems scales using item response theory. Information & Management, 54(2), 189–203. doi:

Saunders, C., Brown, S.A., Bygstad, B., Dennis, A.R., Ferran, C., Galletta, D., Liang, T.P., Lowry, P.B., Recker, J., & Sarker, S. (2017). Goals, values, and expectations of the AIS family of journals. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 18(9), 633-647. doi:

Singh, R., Mindel, V., & Mathiassen, L. (2017). IT-Enabled Revenue Cycle Transformation in Resource-Constrained Hospitals: A Collaborative Digital Options Inquiry. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(3), 695-726.

Vance, A., Lowry, P. B., & Wilson, D. (2017). Using trust and anonymity to expand the use of anonymizing systems that improve security across organizations and nations. Security Journal, 30(3), 979-999. doi:

Wei, J. S., Seedorf, S., Lowry, P. B., Thum, C., & Schulz, T. (2017). How increased social presence through co-browsing influences user engagement in collaborative online shopping. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 24(July-August), 84-99. doi:

Adjerid, I., & Kelley, K. (2018). Big data in psychology: A framework for research advancement. American Psychologist, 73(7), 899.

Adjerid, I., Acquisti, A., & Loewenstein, G. (2018). Choice architecture, framing, and cascaded privacy choices. Management Science, 65(5), 2267-2290.

Adjerid, I., Adler-Milstein, J., & Angst, C. (2018). Reducing Medicare spending through electronic health information exchange: the role of incentives and exchange maturity. Information Systems Research, 29(2), 341-361.

Adjerid, I., Peer, E. & Acquisti, A. (2018). Beyond the privacy paradox: Objective versus relative risk in privacy decision making. MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 465-A5.

Al-Daihani, S. M., & Abrahams, A. (2018). Analysis of academic libraries' Facebook posts: Text and data analytics. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(2), 216-225.

Baghersad M, Nasri L, Marucchi NSW, Gruss R, Abrahams AS, & Ehsani JP (2018). An investigation into online videos as a source of safety hazard reports, Journal of Safety Research, 65, June, 89-99.

Bowden, Z., & Ragsdale, C. (2018) "The General Pickup and Delivery Problem with Backtracking Restrictions," International Journal of Operational Research. (In press).

Bowden, Z., & Ragsdale, C. (2018) “The Truck Driver Scheduling Problem with Fatigue Monitoring,” Decision Support Systems. 110, 20-31.

Dominiczak, J., & Khansa, L. (2018). Principles of Automation for Patient Safety in Intensive Care: Learning From Aviation. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 44(6), 366-371.

Goldberg, D., Deane, J., & Ragsdale, C. (2018), Integrating Spatial Analytics in Global Sourcing Decisions, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 17(3), pp. 709-739

Goldberg, D., Deane, J., Rakes, T., & Rees, L. (2019), Marketing Investments in Sport Venue Naming Rights & the Market Value of the Firm, International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 19(3), published online

Gruss R, Abrahams AS, Kim E, Song Y, & Berry DK. Engaging restaurant customers on Facebook: The power of belongingness appeals on social media, Accepted at: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (JHTR)

Gruss R, Abrahams AS, Song Y, Berry D, & Al-Daihani S. Academic libraries on social media: community- building as an effective user engagement strategy. (Accepted: February 2nd 2019): Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST).

Gruss, R., Abrahams, A. S., Fan, W., & Wang, G. A. (2018). By the numbers: The magic of numerical intelligence in text analytic systems. Decision Support Systems, 113, 86-98.

Hassna, G., & Lowry, P. B. (2018, August 16–18). Big data capability, customer agility, and organization performance: A dynamic capability perspective. Paper presented at the The 24th Annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), New Orleans, LA.

Hsu, J., Chiu, C.-M., Lowry, P. B., & Liang, T. P. (2018). Solving the interpretational-confounding and interpretational-ambiguity problems of formative construct modeling in behavioral research: Proposing a two-stage fixed-weight redundancy approach. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(7), 618-671. doi:

James, T.L., Deane, J., & Wallace, L. (2018), An Application of Goal Content Theory to Examine How Desired Exercise Outcomes Impact Fitness Technology Feature Set Selection, Information Systems Journal, forthcoming

Jiang, L., Mirkovski, K., D. Wall, J., Wagner, C., & Lowry, P. B. (2018). Proposing the core contributor withdrawal theory (CCWT) to understand core contributor withdrawal from online peer-production communities. Internet Research, 28(4), 988-1028.

Khansa, I., Jefferson, R., Khansa, L., & Janis, J. E. (2018). Optimal Pain Control in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 142(3S), 142S-148S.

Khansa, I., Khansa, L., Meyerson, J., & Janis, J. E. (2018). Optimal use of surgical drains: evidence-based strategies. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 141(6), 1542-1549.

Khansa, I., Khansa, L., Pearson, G. D., & Jain, S. A. (2018). Effects of the Affordable Care Act on payer mix and physician reimbursement in hand surgery. The Journal of Hand Surgery, 43(6), 511-515.

Khansa, I., Khansa, L., Westvik, T. S., Ahmad, J., Lista, F., & Janis, J. E. (2018). Work-related musculoskeletal injuries in plastic surgeons in the United States, Canada, and Norway. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 141(1), 165e-175e.

Khansa, L., Barkhi, R., Ray, S., & Davis, Z. (2018). Cyberloafing in the workplace: mitigation tactics and their impact on individuals’ behavior. Information Technology and Management, 19(4), 197-215.

Ma, X., Khansa, L., & Kim, S. S. (2018). Active Community Participation and Crowdworking Turnover: A Longitudinal Model and Empirical Test of Three Mechanisms. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(4), 1154- 1187.

Menard, P., Warkentin, M., & Lowry, P. B. (2018). The impact of collectivism and psychological ownership on protection motivation: A cross-cultural examination. Computers & Security, 75, 147-166.

Mindel, V., Mathiassen, L., & Rai, A. (2018). The sustainability of polycentric information commons. MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 607-631.

Mirkovski, K., Briel, F. v., Lowry, P. B., & Liu, L. (2018, February 7–9). Helping others to enter new markets: How intermediaries enable resource-constrained firms to absorb knowledge. Paper presented at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship (ACE) Research Exchange Conference (ACERE 2018), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Mummalaneni V, Gruss R, Goldberg D, Ehsani JP, & Abrahams AS. (2018). Text Analytics for Safety Hazard Detection in Baby Cribs. Safety Science, 104, April, 260-268.

Mummalaneni, V., Gruss, R., Goldberg, D. M., Ehsani, J. P., & Abrahams, A. S. (2018). Social media analytics for quality surveillance and safety hazard detection in baby cribs. Safety science, 104, 260-268.

Nasri, L., Baghersad, M., Gruss, R., Marucchi, N. S. W., Abrahams, A. S., & Ehsani, J. P. (2018). An investigation into online videos as a source of safety hazard reports. Journal of safety research, 65, 89-99.

Njenga, K., & Lowry, P. B. (2018, June 14–15). Information security policy violations: A grounded theory approach to counterfactual balance and tensions. Paper presented at the The Dewald Roode Workshop in Information Systems Security 2018, IFIP WG 8.11 / 11.13, Cape Town, South Africa.

Nottingham, Q. J., Johnson, D. M., & Russell, R. S. (2018). The effect of waiting time on patient perceptions of care quality. Quality Management Journal, 25(1), 32-45.

Nottingham, Q., Johnson, D. M., & Russell, R. (2018). A multi-year SEM model predicting the impact of behavior attributes on overall patient satisfaction. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(9), 2006-2034.

Parks, R., Lowry, P. B., Wigand, R., Agarwal, N., & Williams, T. (2018). Why students engage in cyber-cheating through a collective movement: A case of deviance and collusion. Computers & Education, 125(October), 308–326. doi:

Rakes, T. R., Deane, J. K., Rees, L. P., Goldberg, D. M., & Chacko, J. (2018). A fuzzy decision support system for pre-disaster budgeting. International Journal of Information Systems and Management, 1(4), 312-327.

Ramesh, B., Cau, L., Kim, J., Mohan, K & James T. (2018). Consider culture when implementing agile practices. MIT Sloan Management Review.

Treiblmaier, H., Putz, L.-M., & Lowry, P. B. (2018). Setting a definition, context, and research agenda for the gamification of non-gaming systems. Association for Information Systems Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 10(3), 129-163. doi:

Willison, R., & Lowry, P. B. (2018). Disentangling the motivations for organizational insider computer abuse through the rational choice and life course perspectives. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 49(SI), 81-102.

Willison, R., Lowry, P. B., & Paternoster, R. (2018). A Tale of two deterrents: Considering the role of absolute and restrictive deterrence to inspire new directions in behavioral and organizational security research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 19(12), 1187-1216.

Wilson, K., & Khansa, L. (2018). Migrating to electronic health record systems: a comparative study between the United States and the United Kingdom. Health Policy, 122(11), 1232-1239.

Zhang, J., Jiang, Q., Lowry, P. B., & Li, Y. (2018, December 13). Gamified double-edged sword: Exploring the different social comparison motives of mobile fitness app users. Paper presented at the 2018 Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, CA.

Zhang, J., Jiang, Q., Zhang, W., Kang, L., Zhang, X., & Lowry, P. B. (2018, December 12). How gamified fitness features influence the system usage: A field experimental approach. Paper presented at the The 3rd Pre-ICIS Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018), San Francisco, CA.

Zhang, M., Ren, C., Wang, G. A., & He, Z. (2018). The impact of channel integration on consumer responses in omni-channel retailing: the mediating effect of consumer empowerment. Electronic commerce research and applications, 28, 181-193.

Zhou, M. J., Lu, B., Fan, W., & Wang, G. A. (2018). Project description and crowdfunding success: an exploratory study. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(2).

Zhou, S., Qiao, Z., Du, Q., Wang, G. A., Fan, W., & Yan, X. (2018). Measuring customer agility from online reviews using big data text analytics. Journal of Management Information Systems, 35(2), 510-539.

Zobel, C. W., & Baghersad, M. (2018). Analytically comparing disaster resilience across multiple dimensions. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.

Arnette, A. N., & Zobel, C. W. (2019). A Risk-Based Approach to Improving Disaster Relief Asset Pre-Positioning. Production and Operations Management, 28(2), 457–478.

Awaysheh, A., Wilcke, J., Elvinger, F., Rees, L., Fan, W., & Zimmerman, K. L. (2019). Review of medical decision support and machine-learning methods. Veterinary pathology, 56(4), 512-525.

Briel, F. v., Schneider, C., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). Absorbing knowledge from and with external partners: The role of social integration mechanisms. Decision Sciences Journal, 50(1), 7-45. doi:

Burns, A. J., Roberts, T., Posey, C., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). The adaptive roles of positive and negative emotions in organizational insiders’ engagement in security-based precaution taking. Information Systems Research (ISR), Forthcoming.

Chatterjee, S., Sarker, S., Moody, G. D., & Lowry, P. B. (2019, January 8–11). The effect of CIO virtues on CIO role effectiveness. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019), Maui, HI.

D’Arcy, J., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). Cognitive-affective drivers of employees’ daily compliance with information security policies: A multilevel, longitudinal Study. Information Systems Journal, 29(1), 43-69. doi:

Davis, Z., Zobel, C. W., Khansa, L., & Glick, R. E. (2019). Emergency department resilience to disaster-level overcrowding: A component resilience framework for analysis and predictive modeling. Journal of Operations Management.

Deane, J., Goldberg, D., Rakes, T., & Rees, L. (2019), The effect of information security certification announcements on the market value of the firm, Information Technology & Management, published online

Dunn, B. K., Galletta, D. F., Ramasubbu, N., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). Digital borders, location recognition, and experience attribution within a digital geography. Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(2), 418-449. doi:

Ge, Y. “Gurt,” Zobel, C. W., Murray-Tuite, P., Nateghi, R., & Wang, H. (2019). Building an Interdisciplinary Team for Disaster Response Research: A Data-Driven Approach. Risk Analysis.

Goldberg, D. M., Deane, J. K., Rakes, T. R., & Rees, L. P. (2019). Marketing investments in sport venue naming rights and the market value of the firm. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 19(3-4), 233-252.

Goldberg, D., Deane, J., Rakes, T., & Rees, L. (2019), Marketing Investments in Sport Venue Naming Rights & the Market Value of the Firm, International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 19(3), published online

Gruss R, Abrahams AS, Kim E, Song Y, & Berry DK. Engaging restaurant customers on Facebook: The power of belongingness appeals on social media, Accepted at: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (JHTR)

Gruss R, Abrahams AS, Song Y, Berry D, & Al-Daihani S. Academic libraries on social media: community- building as an effective user engagement strategy. (Accepted: February 2nd 2019): Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST).

Gruss, R., Abrahams, A., Song, Y., Berry, D., & Al‐Daihani, S. M. (2019). Community building as an effective user engagement strategy: A case study in academic libraries. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

Hassan, N. R., Mathiassen, L., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). The process of IS theorizing as a discursive practice. Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Forthcoming. doi:

Hassan, N., Mathieson, L., & Lowry, P. B. (2019a, June 12–14). Enhancing theoretical contribution in IS research: The case of technology adoption. Paper presented at the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (2019), Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden.

Hong, H., Ye, Q., Du, Q., Wang, G. A., & Fan, W. (2019). Crowd characteristics and crowd wisdom: evidence from an online investment community. Journal of Association for Information Science and Technology, accepted for publication. Retrieved from

Hull, D. M., Lowry, P. B., Gaskin, J. E., & Mirkovski, K. (2019). A storyteller's guide to problem‐based learning for information systems management education. Information Systems Journal, 29(5), 1040-1057.

James, T. L., Deane, J. K., & Wallace, L. (2019). An application of goal content theory to examine how desired exercise outcomes impact fitness technology feature set selection. Information Systems Journal, 29(5), 1010-1039.

James, T. L., Wallace, L., & Deane, J. K. (2019). Using organismic integration theory to explore the associations between users' exercise motivations and fitness technology feature set use. MIS Quarterly, 43(1), 287-312.

Lowry, P. B., Zhang, J., Moody, G. D., Chatterjee, S., Wang, C., & Wu, T. (2019). Proposing an integrative theory to address the sociotechnical nature of cyberharassment in light of technology-based opportunism. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2019(forthcoming).

Mena, C., Melnyk, S. A., Baghersad, M., & Zobel, C. W. (2019). Sourcing Decisions under Conditions of Risk and Resilience: A Behavioral Study. Decision Sciences,

Mirkovski, K., Gaskin, J. E., Hull, D. M., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). Visual storytelling for improving the dissemination and consumption of information systems research: Evidence from a quasi-experiment. Information Systems Journal, 2019(forthcoming). doi:

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