Security and Privacy

The BIT faculty actively engage in research on security and privacy issues facing businesses and society. Research in this area includes studying, how GDPR consent requirements affect business performance, how the way consent choices are presented affect privacy decisions, whether security fear appeals are effective if they interrupt tasks, how multilevel privacy decisions are made, and how to predict users’ susceptibility to phishing, among other topics.
Journal Articles
Burns, A. J., Roberts, T. L., Posey, C., Lowry, P. B., & Fuller, B. (2022). Going Beyond Deterrence: A Middle-Range Theory of Motives and Controls for Insider Computer Abuse. Information Systems Research, Forthcoming, 1-21.
Parks, R. F., Wigand, R. T., & Benjamin Lowry, P. (2022). Balancing information privacy and operational utility in healthcare: proposing a privacy impact assessment (PIA) framework. European Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming, 1-18.
Silic, M., & Lowry, P. B. (2021). Breaking bad in cyberspace: Understanding why and how black hat hackers manage their nerves to commit their virtual crimes. Information Systems Frontiers, 23(2), 329-341.
Schuetz, S. W., Benjamin Lowry, P., Pienta, D. A., & Bennett Thatcher, J. (2020). The effectiveness of abstract versus concrete fear appeals in information security. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(3), 723-757.
Hoehle, H., Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., Tepper, B. J., & Kude, T. (2022). Impact of customer compensation strategies on outcomes and the mediating role of justice perceptions: A longitudinal study of Target’s data breach. MIS Quarterly, 46(1), 299-340.
Hoehle, H., Aloysius, J. A., Goodarzi, S., & Venkatesh, V. (2019). A nomological network of customers’ privacy perceptions: Linking artifact design to shopping efficiency. European Journal of Information Systems, 28(1), 91-113.
Vance, A., Eargle, D., Eggett, D., Straub, D. W., & Ouimet, K. (2022). Do security fear appeals work when they interrupt tasks? A multi-method examination of password strength. MIS Quarterly, 46(3), 1721-1738.
Abbasi, A., Dobolyi, D., Vance, A., & Zahedi, F. M. (2021). The phishing funnel model: A design artifact to predict user susceptibility to phishing websites. Information Systems Research, 32(2), 410-436.
Vance, A., Jenkins, J. L., Anderson, B. B., Bjornn, D. K., & Kirwan, C. B. (2018). Tuning out security warnings: A longitudinal examination of habituation through fMRI, eye tracking, and field experiments. MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 355-380.
Buckman, J. R., Adjerid, I., & Tucker, C. (2022). Privacy Regulation and Barriers to Public Health. Management Science, 69(1), 342-350.
D’Arcy, J., Adjerid, I., Angst, C. M., & Glavas, A. (2020). Too good to be true: Firm social performance and the risk of data breach. Information Systems Research, 31(4), 1200-1223.
Fox, G., & James, T. L. (2021). Toward an understanding of the antecedents to health information privacy concern: a mixed methods study. Information Systems Frontiers, 23(6), 1537-1562.
Bélanger, F., & James, T. L. (2020). A theory of multilevel information privacy management for the digital era. Information Systems Research, 31(2), 510-536.
Baghersad, M., Zobel, C. W., Lowry, P. B., & Chatterjee, S. (2022). The roles of prior experience and the location on the severity of supply chain disruptions. International Journal of Production Research, 60(16), 5051-5070.
Baghersad, M., & Zobel, C. W. (2022). Organizational resilience to disruption risks: developing metrics and testing effectiveness of operational strategies. Risk Analysis, 42(3), 561-579.