Parviz Ghandforoush

Parviz Ghandforoush is a Professor of Business Information Technology at Virginia Tech and currently serves as the Associate Dean for Pamplin College of Business National Capital Region Operations, and as the Executive Director of the Master of Information Technology Program (a joint degree of College of Engineering and College of Business). Previously he served as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the Pamplin College of Business, and the Executive Director of MBA Programs. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Information Technology at Texas Tech University, MBA at the University of Texas in Austin, and B.S. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas in Austin. Dr. Ghandforoush has over 40 years of research, teaching, administrative, and consulting experience in information technology and management science and is the co-author of the textbook Management Science for Decision Makers. He has published in revered academic and professional publications in the areas of information technology, decision and optimization models, decision support systems in complex environments, analytics, sequencing and scheduling, and simulation of organizational operations. His research has appeared in such publications as Journal of Computers in Human Behavior, Computers & Operations Research, Journal on Computing, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Systems Management, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Transactions, European Journal of Operations Research, The International Journal of Management Science, Naval Research Logistics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Computers & Information Sciences, Computers & Industrial Engineering, and others. He has extensive involvement and expertise in professional development, consulting and research activities in strategic implications of information technology, web-based applications & e-commerce, e-Learning technologies, executive decision models, efficiency models and optimization, and technology design & development.