Quinton Nottingham

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Quinton J. Nottingham is department head for the Business Information Technology Department within the Pamplin College of Business.
Nottingham received his Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. in Statistics from Virginia Tech. He previously served as associate professor within the Department of Business Information Technology. Prior, Nottingham was a data analyst for Hoffman-La Roche, a pharmaceutical firm in Nutley, NJ.
Nottingham’s primary research interests involve applied statistics, regression, nonparametric regression, logistic regression, time series analysis, and artificial intelligence. He is published in the Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Statistics in Medicine, the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, the Journal of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, and the International Journal of Production Research, and Computers and Industrial Engineering.
He served as the faculty advisor to the Business Information Technology (BIT) Club at Virginia Tech from 1997-2001. He has served as track chair for Southeast InfORMS and a reviewer for numerous tracks of the Decision Sciences Institute's (DSI) national conference, SE InfORMS, and SE DSI. Nottingham currently serves as vice president of finance for SE DSI and formerly served as vice president of student liaison.
Nottingham has also served as a consultant for the U.S. Army Research Laboratory/OAO Corporation, an IT and Aerospace firm, and Universal Fiber Systems, LLC. He is a member of American Statistical Association (ASA), Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), American Mathematical Society (AMS), and the Virginia Academy of Sciences. Nottingham has also served as a reviewer for the Decision Sciences Journal, OMEGA, and Journal of Computational Statistics. He serves as a board member of the Virginia Tech Athletic Foundation (VTAF), University Club, and the Virginia Tech Monogram Club.