Allie H. Champion, Alumni Distinguished Graduate
Allie H. Champion is the winner of the BIT Departmental award for Alumni Distinguished Graduate. She is a senior who will graduate from the BIT Department this spring.
Allie took some time to answer our questions about her time as a student in the BIT Department and why she chose the Cybersecurity Management and Analytics (CMA) in the Business Information Technology Department at Virginia Tech:
Name: Allie Champion
Major(s) and Option/Concentration (DDS, OSM, CMA): Cybersecurity Management and Analytics (CMA)
Post Graduation (Employment or Continuing Education): Employment
Clubs, Student Organizations, etc:
Team Tennis League, Cyber Club, BIT Club, Pi Sigma Epsilon, Associate of Consulting Group @ VT, Sailing Club, TA, Student-Athlete Academic Support Services (SAASS) Tutor, Pamplin Undergraduate Mentor Program (PUMP).
What are you passionate about or what are your hobbies?
I am passionate about continuous learning and professional growth. I enjoy cooking, playing tennis, shopping, exploring new destinations, and reading interesting books in my free time. Currently, I’m reading Invested by Danielle Town.
What made you decide to choose BIT as your major and why did you choose your option (DSS, OSM, CMA):
I chose BIT as my major because it offered a broad understanding of diverse business concepts. The Cybersecurity option piqued my interest because I have an affinity for problem solving. Also, given the continuous advancement of technology, there is always something new to learn, so it was a perfect fit.
Tips/advice for student success:
As a female in cybersecurity, my best advice is to be your own biggest advocate. Additionally, seek out career opportunities that challenge you beyond your comfort zone.