BIT 4964 Cyber Field Study

Internships are an essential component of a student’s college education and allow students to obtain work experience, gain knowledge of business functions, explore a chosen career path, improve teamwork and communications skills, and increase marketability and value to employers. Academic internships are supervised work experiences involving the student, employer, faculty sponsor within the BIT department.
To meet graduation requirements, CMA students must complete an internship of at least 300 hours, accompanied by the BIT 4964 Field Study (3cr) course. In-person internships provide the greatest practical benefit, but virtual internships are acceptable. Internships may occur in any semester after a student reaches junior standing. Internships must include work-related tasks that allow students to align and improve upon at least five cybersecurity competencies from the “List of Competencies (draft)” NIST IR 8355 site. Students should focus on the technical competencies to enhance future cybersecurity skills.
Students bear the responsibility of acquiring an appropriate internship. They are encouraged to search for internship opportunities in the varied and pioneering industries in the Greater Washington Metro DC area, but internship opportunities are found by various methods, including from resources below:
- Business Horizons every semester
- Use Job Search Platorms including Handshake, LinkedIn, Zip Recruiter, Indeed, and Career Shift
- Attend Career Events found through Pamplin or on Handshake
- Schedule an Appointment with Pamplin Career Services
- Utilize resources from VT Career and Professional Development
- Experiential learning at Hume Center, Cyber Commonwealth Initiative, and Virginia Cyber Range
- Coordination with the faculty
- And always using peer networks and family connections
Once students have secured an internship that allows them to improve cybersecurity competencies, they should select the “Apply for Field Study” link below for approval. Each semester, students will be evaluated for approved enrollment in BIT 4964 Field Study course for the next semester. Approved students will be notified and enrolled to the course prior to the requested semester on a continually rolling basis until the last day to add by the BIT Department.
Students unable to acquire a cyber security internship or neglected to apply for a suitable internship may follow the procedures below to apply for the substitute course to remain on track for graduation.
If approved, you will be added by the BIT department on a rolling basis up to the beginning of the enrolled semester.
The enrolled substitute course CANNOT double-count as a substitute course for a required CMA Elective.